6 Worst Celebrity Deaths And The Cruel Stories Behind It

Paul Walker

Paul Walker

The handsome and dashing young actor from “Fast and the Furious” movie series was known to be the favorite of many movie buffs across the world. With his boy next door looks, Paul stole the heart of many with his role in the movie. On November 30th in 2013, Paul and his friend Roger Rodas were taking Roger’s Porsche for a ride. The star and his friend got killed in an accident after they banged into a light pole which caused the vehicle to burst into flames. If you think about this situation and picture yourself in it, some could imagine themselves to just get hit, maybe a little bruised considering that the object is just the size of a pole that you are banging into. The fact that it was a light pole which they banged into and that too with such a great impact, it caused the entire car like a Porsche to burn up in flames, is not so believable. The irony of this situation is that we see such unbelievable deaths only in the movies. And nothing could be more ironic than Paul’s death in this situation.

Kristin Rodas, widow of late Roger Rodas didn’t take this very lightly and filed a lawsuit at Porsche worth £500,000 claiming that the car, her husband was driving had a faulty suspension and a crash cage that was dysfunctional. Porsche being a well-established company faced the suit with their best lawyers and said that all damage done under the circumstances is purely due to the driver’s fault and that the car has undergone improper maintenance. They backed it up by saying that the car had some work done on it after it was bought with alterations that lead to this accident.

Many still grieve over Paul’s unfortunate death. Fast And The Furious 7 had to change the end of the movie as this incident occurred while the shooting was still ON. We truly pray and hope Paul and his family are in the best of health. RIP Paul.

Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger

For his remarkable performance in Batman, the joker was everyone’s favorite character from the movie. There would not be a single soul who has watched the Batman series and liked any other character, the most. With brilliant dialogue delivery and the next level makeup skills, the character was the star of the show. Heath quickly rose to fame and got nominated for several awards in the supporting actor category. His other most commendable performance was given in Brokeback Mountain which also received several positive reviews. It was during this movie, he met Michelle Williams who was playing a role in this movie. They then started dating and evidently fell in love. They moved to Brooklyn together and were noticed many times by the media and celebrity press. They then had a baby girl who was named Matilda. Matilda was born on October 28, 2005. The couple seemed pretty happy until news of their breakup was out in 2007. One year later, in January 2008, Heath was found dead in an apartment in Manhattan. It was concluded as an accidental overdose of prescription and non-prescription, sleeping and anxiety pills on a night table.

A masseuse had arrived in the afternoon on the same day and went to the apartment; she was let in by the housekeeper. They tried knocking on Heath’s door, with no response. After no one responded, they opened the door themselves and found him naked and unconscious in bed. After some time, the police confirmed that it was not an attempted murder. Thousands of people still grieve over this man, who was once the most remarkable actor in the industry and we are very sure that if he was still alive and kicking it, he would have been one of the greatest.

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse

She was one of the only British women who had four Grammy awards in her name. With many songs that hit the top charts in no time, Amy was sliding through her career to the top. When one thinks of Amy Winehouse, the first thing that could come to your mind is good music and of course, drugs. She regularly took heroin, cocaine, crack and weed. She stopped taking these drugs before a trip to St. Lucia, after which her alcohol intake increased drastically. On returning back to UK, she took to drinking and lapsing for a few weeks. Due to her heavy drinking problem, she had to take medications to combat its effect. Amy was requested to visit a rehab, but she instantly denied saying that it could hamper her creativity. She continued to have heavy drinking weeks and then went on dry periods.

Amy’s doctor visited her the night before she died and asked her if she was going to stop drinking. Amy, who was drinking at that moment, replied in an instant, “I don’t know.” The doctor claimed that she seemed quite calm yet guilty about something. Winehouse told her doctor that she started drinking because she was bored and had been off from alcohol for a few weeks. Amy was very specific to the doctor about not wanting to die. The doctor was certain that she wasn’t drinking to kill herself or suicide.

They took Andrew Morris’s statement, her bodyguard who said that he shared a brother-sister kind of relationship with Amy. He was on leave for a while and had returned three days before her death. He instantly knew that she had been drinking. He did mention that she was drinking moderately and not heavily as he could always tell when she is very drunk. The night before the death, he heard her laughing, listening to music and watching TV in her room. At 2 am, the next day, they were watching YouTube videos of her live events. Later at 10 am, he checked on her and saw that she was fast asleep. After some more time, around 3 pm, he went into her room and saw her in the same position. He obviously got suspicious and checked for her pulse. When he didn’t find one, he contacted paramedics who confirmed that she was dead. The entire incident shook him up a lot as he considered her as a younger sister.

She was found dead in her North London apartment on July 23, 2011. The findings say that she had 416 mg of alcohol per decilitre in her blood system. That amount of alcohol is enough to rupture the respiratory system. It’s a sad way to go, and we pray for her soul to rest in peace.

Brittany Murphy

Brittany Murphy

Talent is something a person is gifted with, something you’re born with. When you see someone with talent, you know that with a little push they could touch the sky. However, when someone wastes talent in the worse manner possible, you feel sorry. It is a very natural reaction. Brittany Murphy was one such talented actor and singer who marked her name in the industry a long time ago. She did award-winning movies like The Clueless, 8 Mile, and Sin City. Her performance in 8 Mile was highly appreciated at that time. Brittany was known to be quite the fun-loving soul who always got along and connected with people on a very good level. Her smile was known to be contagious and in a tweet by Ashton Kutcher, after her death, he said that the world had lost a little piece of sunshine. Brittany seemed like a girl next door who was very approachable and kind.

There were loads of rumors about Brittany being a cocaine addict. However, Brittany always denied it. After her death, a few of her close friends had said that Brittany was living life vicariously. They said she suffered from a drug problem and they always tried to convince her to get help. Although the reason for her death was not specifically drugs, she did die of a heart attack at the age of 32. She had a bad reputation of being addicted to tranquilizers. On December 20, 2009, her mother found Brittany unconscious in the bathroom at 8 am, in the house Brittany shares with her husband, Simon Monjack. The medics shortly arrived and they started to give her CPR even though she was in a complete cardiac arrest. They then took her to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center near Beverly Hills. But, she was not responsive and declared dead at 10:03 am.

According to Daily Mail UK, an unconfirmed report implied that due to the painkillers she took after cosmetic surgery, she was addicted to prescription drugs. Many famous celebrities tweeted about their condolences on her death. They all referred to her as a fun loving and happy soul whose chirpy nature was contagious. On her career front, Brittany was doing pretty well. She put out a record called Faster Kill Pussycat which reached number seven in British charts, three years before her death. She even did Sin City in 2005 which was quite the hit as well. Few months before she passed away, she was appearing in the news for wrong reasons. She was fired from her comeback film which was being shot in Puerto Rico for being a difficult person on set.

Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury

In the 1970’s, rock bands were the sole reason behind people’s social lives. With one hit after another, the world was ready to witness live bands and musicians. Queen was one of the earliest at that time, with Freddie Mercury as the lead singer. He was the face of the band and that was proven by the number of fan following, he had. You know what they say about rock stars; right? Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll? Well, in Freddie’s case the problem was very similar. He died of bronchopneumonia, a disease caused by AIDS. At first, Mercury was not very open to telling the media and public about his personal problems. So, he kept it away from them.

With the kind of lifestyle rock-stars live, such problems don’t come as an obvious shock. With touring and performing across many countries in a matter of weeks, they are bound to be high on life with the company of many fans around. Queen was the reason behind the commencement of hard-rock, pop, cabaret with a touch of opera style of music and of course, heavy metal.

Do you remember Bohemian Rhapsody? In that, Freddie dubbed his voice to such an extent that it sounded like a choir with words like mama-mia in it! That kind of concept of music making was very new back then. He also gave mind-blowing solo performances in songs like, “We Are The Champions” and “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.” These songs hit the charts and stayed there for a long time. The band was commercial with the fast flow of events during 1975. In 1980, they launched “Another One Bites The Dust” which was at #1 position in the pop-single charts.

Much later, Mercury turned out to be one of the only celebrities who came clean and told the media and his fans about suffering from AIDS. His sole purpose behind doing this was to make people aware of this deathly disease and in turn, making them knowledgeable about always getting help. He wanted everyone, his fans, friends, family, and doctor to join his fight against this deadly disease. He died on November 24, 1991.

Robin Williams

Robin Williams

One of the saddest deaths in the industry is that of this unbelievably talented comic actor Robin Williams. He was the crush of many women, who were in their teenage days back when Robin was young and acting. He started his career with a television comedy show called, “Mork & Mindy” which was popular from 1978 to 1982. He won multiple awards for films as well as the supporting actor award for his role as a therapist in Good Will Hunting. He received Oscar nomination for his role in Dead Poets Society and Good Morning, Vietnam. Robin came across as a very humble, funny and spontaneous gentleman, who knew he was suffering from depression.

According to Bloomberg, Robin Williams was apparently suffering from depression for a long time, confirmed his publicist, Mara Buxbaum. He was found dead on the 11th of August, 2014. He hung himself with a belt. Firefighters who got in through the window found him in a seated position with a belt around his neck in his California house. His left wrist was cut however, there were no signs of any struggle. He was of age 63 when he passed away. Millions around the world mourned the death of this brilliant actor and of course, courteous gentleman. We pray that his soul and all other talented celebrity’s souls, rest in peace.
