Chris Brown: Hate all you want, because I got a Grammy now!

It was three years ago that Chris Brown severely beat his then girlfriend, Rihanna, before a Grammy party. According to the police report, Chris hit Rihanna repeatedly across the face and body, threatened to kill her and bit her on the ear and hand. We saw the photos of her face afterwards and it was frightening and sad. Rihanna told police that it was not the first time that Chris had beaten her. Chris did pay some minor consequences after pleading guilty to assault and was put on five years probation. From all accounts he has performed his community service well and on time, and has been praised by the judge presiding over his case. He’s also completed court-ordered domestic violence and anger management courses.

In interviews, Chris has been less than willing to take responsibility for his actions or to even talk about that night. He busted up a dressing room at Good Morning America last year after Robin Roberts asked him a question about the incident. Plus, he just comes across as a total a**hole. I know the kid is young at 22, but he’s behaved like a whiny bitch for years. He’s tweeted homophobic slurs on several occasions, once to a molestation victim. He regularly parks in handicapped parking spaces despite warnings, and he seems entirely unaware of how lucky he is to even be able to get paid to sing and perform. He complains constantly when anyone dares question him.

Chris has had a career comeback lately that has raised a lot of eyebrows. Many people were disgusted to see him both perform at the Grammys and win a Grammy for Best R&B Album, and Chris has a message to all of them: in your face, basically. The title of this story doesn’t capture how pissy he was about it, since he used all caps and added an expletive for effect:

Chris Brown is known for his violent temper, but on Tuesday, according to his Twitter account, his anger was aimed at his followers on the social networking site, rather than his ex-girlfriend.

The R&B singer’s official Twitter feed lashed out at critics who had slammed the Grammys for honoring him during Sunday’s awards show, and had bitter words for those bashing him.

“HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That’s the ultimate F**K OFF!” The tweets from Brown’s account said at the height of the rampage.

Earlier in the rant came: “Strange how we pick and choose who to hate! Let me ask u this. Our society is full of rappers (which I listen to) who have sold drugs (poisoning).

“But yet we glorify them and imitate everything they do. Then right before the worlds eyes a man shows how he can make a Big mistake and learn from it, but still has to deal with day to day hatred! You guys love to hate!!! But guess what???”

The tweets from Brown’s account were responding to a number of prior tweets from celebrities who didn’t believe he deserved to not only win a Grammy for F.A.M.E., but also to perform twice during the show.

[Radar Online]

So selling drugs in the past is equivalent to beating on women in Chris’ world. At least he deleted it, but he surely had some prompting. This is but a small sample of the kind of behavior that should have sunk this kid’s career years ago. He makes a lot of money for a lot of people so they’re going to continue to let it slide. Not everyone in the industry is a team Breezy apologetic, though. Miranda Lambert tweeted that she didn’t “get it. He beat on a girl.” Other celebrities, like Sherri Shepherd, Jack Osbourne and Wil Wheaton had similar sentiments. There were also some very good editorials about this, particularly Sasha Pasulka’s (formerly of Evil Beet) at Hello Giggles and Marlow Stern’s at The Daily Beast. These editorials and tweets were made before Chris tried to call his Grammy “the ultimate F*** off” to anyone that dared question his career.

Meanwhile people are showing Chris love on Twitter and basically writing that they’d take a beating for him anytime. Kaiser pointed me to analysis of this disturbing trend by Slate and Jezebel. I just don’t get it at all. How could anyone even joke about that?

Here’s Chris outside a recording studio on 2-10-12 and out shopping on 12-4-11. Credit: FameFlynet
