Jersey Shores Ronnie: people think Im on steroids b/c they eat too much fast food

Bullying has become a real hot-button topic of late, and for good reason. However, it’s become increasingly commonplace for celebrities (especially minor ones like reality stars) to try and win over the public’s affection by pointing out that they were teased as children. While I certainly don’t mean to minimize the problem of bullying, it’s clear that the topic reaches a point of ridiculousness when a bully attempts to justify their own behavior by pointing out that they too were bullied in younger years. Such is the case with Ronnie Ortiz-Magro from the “Jersey Shore” cast.

To put it bluntly, Ronnie is a vibrating orange ball of rage. He’s been in more fights than all of the other cast members combined. In a new interview with In Touch, Ronnie denies many things including being a bully and taking steroids. In fact, he says that his proclivity for physical altercations only has to do with growing up in the Bronx and being teased as a youth. He’s only defending himself, you see.

From what I recall about “Shore” fights (and at this point, I’ve caught every episode), Ronnie’s never really been physically threatened by anyone. His Season One fight (that got him arrested) started because a guy was calling him names; his Season Three brawls with Sammi started with verbal squabbling; and Ronnie’s Season Four fight with The Situation started because of more “fighting words.” Maybe Ron’s really not on steroids but cocaine instead. After all, there was that blind item from awhile back about a “Shore” cast member going wild on coke, but that could easily be pinned on The Situation for his money woes. Whatever the cause, Ronnie possesses definite rage issues because nobody in their right mind would flip over his girlfriend’s bed (while she’s on top of it) unless they’ve got a serious problem. Here’s Ronnie attempting to explain away his behavior:

He Doesn’t Do Roids: “People say I’m on steroids because they can’t look like this eating fast food three days a week.”

On Growing Up Tiny: “When you get to high school, you realize how small you really are. Everyone was always bigger than me, and being a lot smaller, I got picked on a lot by guys in the grades above me. My parents always taught me to walk away from a fight, but from a guy’s point of view, how many times can you walk away? In other places you get respect, but in the Bronx, you have to earn it.”

On Hitting the Gym: ” I grew up watching guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin and knew I wasn’t going to look like that sitting on the couch — I had to motivate and make it happen. It was because of the bullying — and I also started to get into girls, too!”

On Being Called a Bully: “I get angry at that because every fight that I’ve been in on the show, I’ve been provoked or I’m defending myself. It’s the Bronx instinct: If you feel threatened, you defend yourself.”

On Learning: “Watching the show, I get to look back on my mistakes and say, ‘I’m not going to do that again.’ I grew up a lot during the Italy season. I stayed away from drama and just had a good time.”

He & Sammi are Over “It was literally the whole world against our relationship,” says Ronnie of his most recent breakup with Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola. “But I’d never talk bad about Sam; we’ve been through a lot together.” So what’s single Ronnie looking for now? “A girl who wants me in her life, but doesn’t need me in her life.”

[From In Touch, print edition, January 23, 2012]

It’s funny how Ronnie declares that he only fights when defending himself or when provoked. The guy has a permanently-lit fuse and has no idea about the legal definition of “provocation.” In fact and I really hate to say this, but Ronnie sounds a lot like a future abusive husband or boyfriend who justifies hitting a woman because she “pushed him to it.” I hope that’s never really the case, but it’s fairly obvious that Ronnie needs some help managing his temper. Trying to explain it away as being tiny in high school just doesn’t cut it.

Oh, and that bit about how Ronnie and Sammi are done? Seriously, this time it’s for real. Again. Even though they’ve broken up at least twenty five times over the course of the show and also gave Us Weekly an exclusive break-up statement to promote the season four finale? So laughable.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Fame
