Jill Hennessy and Paolo Mastropietro

Paolo Mastropietro and Jill Hennessy have been married for 23 years. They were dating for 1 year after getting together in 1999 and were married on 1st Oct 2000.

They have 2 children, Marco (20) and Gianni (16).

Paolo Mastropietro is a 59 year old American Actor born on 29th June, 1964 in New York City, New York, USA. His zodiac sign is Cancer

Jill Hennessy is a 55 year old Canadian Actress. Born Jillian Noel Hennessy on 25th November, 1968 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, she is famous for Claire Kincaid on Law and Order. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

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(1 October 2000 - present) (2 children) Hennessy plays the guitar and sings, and enjoys riding motorcycles with her husband, Paolo Mastropietro, to whom she has been married since 2000. They had a second marriage ceremony in January 2001, which took place at New York City Hall with Mayor Rudy Giuliani officiating. Their son, Marco, was born on September 17, 2003; and a second son, Gianni, was born on November 21, 2007.
