Miley Cyrus in more embarassing photos this time sort of topless

Miley Cyrus is obviously getting a little bit worried that her reputation as Disney’s golden girl could be sullied. The ink was barely dry on her million dollar biography contract, when she was caught in some slightly scandalous photos with her boyfriend. Now, it seems like she’s ignoring the private leaked photos where she flashes her bra and stomach to the camera and apologizing for an artistic bare-back shot that will appearing in the June issue of Vanity Fair.

The article [in Vanity Fair], written by Bruce Handy, seems to support that claim, quoting Ms. Cyrus as saying, “Annie took, like, a beautiful shot, and I thought it was really cool. That’s what she wanted me to do, and you can’t say no to Annie.” She also said of the photo, “I think it’s really artsy. It wasn’t in a skanky way.”

Ms. Cyrus had a different view in a prepared statement released on Sunday:

“I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be ‘artistic’ and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed. I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about.”

[From The New York Times]

Personally, I’m not too concerned about the photo. While it is definitely in questionable taste for a 15-year-old girl to be photographed in that way, I think the key is for parents not to buy their kids any Hannah Montana merchandise or copies of Vanity Fair if it bothers them. That should put a dent in her billion dollar fortune.

Interestingly, Annie Leibovitz says that she tries to get her subjects to “let down their guard .” The topless shot, combined with the party shots of her with her boyfriend might just be sending the message to Disney executives and parents alike, that 15-year-old girls are not as wholesome as they used to be. They are girls growing up into women, much faster than they did in my day. This thought is absolutely terrifying, I know, I’m going to give my toddler something to stunt her growth right away so I never have to face it!

In case you’re wondering, Miley’s parents and management were on hand at the shoot, and according to photographer Annie Leibovitz, “the photo was taken digitally, they saw it on the shoot and everyone thought it was a beautiful and natural portrait of Miley.”

Note by Celebitchy: The Disney Channel has issued a statement saying that Miley was manipulated into donning a sheet for the photo session, saying “Unfortunately, as the article suggests, a situation was created to deliberately manipulate a 15-year-old in order to sell magazines.”

Photos are from, and most are behind the scenes pictures. There are many more on their website.
