Solving the Open Hand Temple murders

If you are looking to play the rogue detective in Baldur’s Gate 3, the third Act of the RPG will give you ample scope to do so, especially with the Open Hand Temple murders. Act 3 is when you really start seeing civilization in the Forgotten Realms beginning to fall apart as you are faced with one murder after another in all the various cities that you visit.

One such series of murders occur in the Open Hand Temple located in the city of Rivington. To make matters worse, the person that was murdered is Father Logan, who was the leader of the order. It was speculated by onlookers that the crime might have been committed by Brilgor, who was a refugee.

Valeria, the Hollyphant, will be the prime investigator of the crime. However, she will not be of much help to your inquiries as Valeria is convinced that Brilgor is the perpetrator. To get more clues and info about points of interest, you will need to speak to Sister Yannis. Only after then will you start looking into the event to determine who killed Father Logan.

It’s one of the more complicated questlines to finish. However, today’s Baldur’s Gate 3 guide will help you out with some of the things you will take to solve the Open Hand Temple murders.

Solving the Open Hand Temple murders in Baldur’s Gate 3

Speak to Sister Yanni (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

To solve the Open Hand Temple murders in Baldur’s Gate 3, there are a few steps you will need to invest in before you can round out the quest line. Below is a very straight and perhaps the most linear way of going about and finding the mystery behind the murders.

Speak to the dead Father Logan in Baldur’s Gate 3

The first step will be to speak to the murdered Father Logan. You can do this by using the “speak with the dead” ability and then interacting with Father Logan’s corpse. After a brief exchange of dialogues, Father Logan will reveal to you that Brilgor was not the one who killed him, but rather it was a “dwarf dressed in red.”

From there, make your way out the door and to the back, and take the path that leads into the kitchen. When in the kitchen, make your way out West, then take a flight of stairs down, and make your way outside. Now take the path that leads to the graveyard, and spot a grave that is close to the mausoleum.

Interact with the dirt mound there, and it will allow you to dig up Brilgor, the refugee who was accused of the murder. Using the “speak with the dead” ability, talk to Brilgor, who will reveal more information about who the supposed murdered actually is.

Investigate the cellar in the Open Hand Temple (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

Loot Dribbles the Clown in Baldur’s Gate 3

After talking to Brilgor, make your way back into the kitchen and access the hatch that Sister Yannis had previously mentioned in your conversation. This will lead you to the Open Hand Temple cellar, and by following the corridor, you will enter a room that contains two statues, along with an altar and a panel.

Making your way beyond the altar, you will find an area where there are a lot of buried curses. You can choose to interact with them or proceed to complete the remainder of the quest. Interacting with them will be a part of the “Help the Cursed Monk” quest line.

Then you will be required to go and check the walls that are directly placed next to the two statues. There will be a plaque called “heraldic sign.” Interacting with it will reveal a button on both sides. Pressing the buttons will open the wall panel, which will now take you to the scene of another murder. This will automatically start an encounter, which you will not be able to talk out of. After beating all the enemies, interact with all the corpses till you come upon the corpse of Dribbles the Clown.

Now converse with him using “speak with the dead,” and after interacting with him, loot his body (important progression point for Act 3). Loot the corpses of the other victims as well, and one of them will contain the “flower key.”

Making your way to the wooden platform, you will notice a hole in the ground. Interact with it and uncover the “Stillmaker,” which is the murder weapon. Make sure you have a character with high Perception in order to discover the hole.

Make your way to Fraygo's Flophouse (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

Make your way to Fraygo's Flophouse in Baldur’s Gate 3

Once you have obtained the flower key, you will be required to make your way to Fraygo’s Flophouse. To get there, you will be required to make your way through the south Span Checkpoint, which is present to the North of the Open hand Temple.

Get past the multiple Fist units by either talking or fighting your way through. Alternatively, you can use the Illithid powers to fly over the checkpoint or even reply on the “Misty Step” spell.

Once you have passed the South Span checkpoint, you will eventually reach Wyrm’s Crossing and find a door to your left. The door leads to the inside of Fraygo’s Flophouse. You will then need to make your way up the stairs and reach the attic. You will find a wardrobe there that looks out of the ordinary, and interacting with it will open up a secret entrance to a room. However, it will be locked, and you will need to use the Flower Key to open it.

Upon entering the room, you will notice a desk with a journal on it. When reading the journal, you will find out about the Bhaalist plot and how the faction has a hitlist that they are targeting.

Report back to Valeria (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

Inform Valeria about your Open Hand Temple murder findings in Baldur’s Gate 3

After obtaining the journal, you will then need to find Valeria, who can be located across the street from the Flophouse in Sharess’ Caress. You will need to inform her about the Bhaalist cult and how the murder of Father Logan was part of a more sinister plot.

If she is not there, then you might need to continue with the main plot in order to find her again. Exhausting all the dialogue options with her will finish the Open Hand Temple murder questline in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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