Two Hot Takes' Morgan Absher On Why She Is So Open About Mental Health On-Mic

When we sat down with Morgan Absher for an exclusive interview, we had to chat about the wildest stories on Reddit, but we also had to ask the host what has prompted her to be so candid on-mic about mental health and her own personal experiences. Telling us that she's "super shy and introverted," Absher confessed that she never anticipated "Two Hot Takes" to turn into the platform it now is, and she identified — as the podcast grew — that being candid about her own experiences was vital.

"I grew up being bullied in high school and having it be so bad that my parents actually had to fight the school — essentially fight them on letting me take college courses so I could get off my high school campus because the bullying was so bad," Absher revealed. "As hard as it was in the moment, I wouldn't be the person I am without that experience."

Telling us that her own struggles eventually prompted her to move out of her hometown and embrace the world, Absher explained, "I wouldn't be the open-minded, empathetic person I am without it, as terrible as it was to go through, but I struggled with mental health in that aspect."
