Who killed Gilbert Dossett and where is he now? Whereabouts explored ahead of American Monster

The 2014 murder of Indiana man Gilbert Dossett is the subject of ID's latest episode of American Monster, which airs on June 5, 2022. Dossett was found shot dead in his bedroom on May 20, 2014. The official synopsis of the episode reads:

''Gil Dossett and his family live an idyllic existence until an accident changes everything; though it takes years to chart a new course through life, Gil seems to finally land on his feet until he finds himself in a dark place.''

Read further ahead to find out who killed Gilbert Dossett.

Who killed Gilbert Dossett, and what happened to his killer?

Gilbert Dossett was found shot dead at his home in Indiana on May 20, 2014. As the police began their investigation, they questioned several family members, including Dossett's ex-wife Brenda Moore. She admitted to having gone to Dossett's home with her daughter Nikki's boyfriend, Mason Hughes.

Later, as part of the investigation, Moore's son Nicholas was also brought to the station, and Moore was caught on audio telling him that she was worried if Mason would ''crack'' and that they had to ''get rid of that gun.''

This proved to be a significant turning point as the police then theorized that Hughes murdered Dossett at the behest of Moore, who'd promised to buy him a vehicle. The authorities concluded that the motive behind the killing was Dossett's $48,000 life insurance policy (as per Investigation Discovery.)

Earlier, Moore and Dossett were involved in a heated argument after Moore told him that her daughter's boyfriend, whom she'd met online in April 2014, was moving in.

Following this, Dossett called his daughter Erica Kinsler and told her that they would be separated and that they'd soon be filing for a divorce.

After the police arrested Hughes, the teenager said he drove Moore to Dossett's home and used her key to get inside the house, after which he shot Dossett, who was sleeping, in the head. He further stated that they'd earlier taken a gun from Dossett's home by getting into his house using her keys.

In November 2014, Brenda Moore pled guilty to murder, was handed a 60-year sentence in prison, and agreed to testify against Hughes. Five months later, Hughes pled guilty to murder and was sentenced to 60 years in prison.

Both Brenda and Hughes are not eligible for parole until 2044. Brenda is currently serving her life sentence at the Rockville Correctional Facility in Parke County, Indiana. In his late 20s, Hughes is at the Pendleton Correctional Facility in Pendleton, Indiana.

American Monster - Tell Me You Love Me

The previous episode of American Monster, titled Tell Me You Love Me, focused on the shocking murder of Ashley Scott on Thanksgiving Day in 2006. She was killed by her husband Jeffrey, who was eventually convicted of second-degree murder and was handed a 25-year life sentence with no parole. The official synopsis of the episode reads:

''Ashley Pittman thinks she hit the lottery marrying Jeffrey Scott, and he gives her a cushier life than the one she left behind in small-town Louisiana; however, behind closed doors, a secret soon turns deadly.''

You can watch ID's American Monster - Life on the Lake on June 5, 2022.

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