Why Brad Simpson is your Perfect Valentine

If we could we’d have all of The Vamps as our valentine’s this year, but it’s their baby-faced frontman Brad Simpson who steals most of the hearts. His cheeky onstage dance routines, infectious laugh, and loveable nature are just some of the reasons he’s our number one!

5. He really loves his dog Jesse

Now, if you ever get into a relationship with Brad (we can dream!) you’ll be fighting to be Brad’s number one – as his dog Jesse definitely owns that position. We love the adorable photos of the duo and their adventures we see when Brad gets back from tour, and honestly, they might be our favourite pet and owner duo ever. Imagine translating the love Brad has for his dog into human love, absolutely crazy we tell you! 

4. His In Bed With… Series

If you have no clue what we’re on about you need to check it out now! We love seeing Brad – er in bed – with some of our favourite celebrities and his celebrity friends. Allowing his cheeky personality to shine through it sees them talking about pretty much everything and everything giving a relaxed insight into their friendships. We just wish the series would be a little more regular, if you’re looking for new guests Brad we’ll happily volunteer. We mean ‘In Bed With Brad and CelebMix’ has a ring to it… 

3. He’s always smiling

Brad without a doubt would make the perfect valentine because he’s not one for taking life seriously. Whenever we feel down we just head on over to the band YouTube to watch Brad causing chaos. He’s a little troublemaker and we love it. From running around like a ninja backstage before shows, shaking his booty at the camera whenever he has the chance (feel free to carry on doing this), and the infamous idiot sandwich with Gordon Ramsay. Honestly, if we had our own Brad with us constantly we don’t think we’d ever be sad. Fancy being our Valentine to make us happy? We think that’s a good enough reason….

2. His voice

Most known for his beautiful vocals as The Vamps frontman, this is a huge reason we want him to be our valentine. At the Fanfests last year, we were all treated to the beauty of Million Words acoustic, just Brad and a guitar if you weren’t lucky enough to witness it, check it out soon. We’ve never been more mesmerized by a guys voice. It’s clear that he doesn’t appreciate himself so Brad, let us be the ones to tell you that your voice is incredible every single day if you become our valentine.

1. He truly cares about the fans

Whether it be making each and every one of the audience feel involved with his cheeky eye contact or hip wiggling whilst looking directly into your eyes (weak at the knees? Us? Never…) or the time spent meeting each and every fan when possible at their various promo days. Too often now it seems band members forget that the fans have the make or break power, but Brad doesn’t. Whether you’re a beefy rugby player type of guy or a screaming small little girl it doesn’t make him care any different. You can’t help but feel really special and loved, can we be your number one fan now Brad?

Would you want Brad to be your Valentine this year? If so why do you love him? Tweet us @CelebMix
